Friday, June 21, 2013

Insta-Friday #22

It's time for Insta-Friday - the time of the week when you hear the stories behind this week's Instagram photos. 

Last Friday was the first day of summer holidays for the kids. Exciting stuff, right? Yes! We had plans to start our 3rd annual park tour & go for frozen yogurt on the beautiful, sunny day... Ya, that would have been great except that... it rained all day. Blah. 

Plan B: Watch an old Disney movie with hot chocolate (in Disney mugs) & giant marshmallows. 

So, that's what happened instead.

Sunday: Father's Day. We spent the day celebrating the dad's in our lives. And I finally got a photo taken with my dad (it's been years)!

One of our kid's favourite things to do with wrestle & tickle with Daddy. Silliness abounds.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lemon Blueberry Muffins with Lemon Butter Topping

It's berry season - strawberries, blueberries, blackberries - they're all over the grocery stores. I'm looking forward to them being ready for harvest around Saskatchewan!

In the meantime, we buy them at the grocery store & make lots of favourite goodies... like these!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Doily Birthday Card {Echo Park}

In the last several days, it's been raining cats & dogs here in Saskatoon. Today was the first day of sunshine since last week. Because of all the rain, we've been stuck inside. We've been doing alot of reading, playing games, watching movies, & doing crafts. I even got some scrapbooking in, which I haven't done in a long time. 

Sunshiny summer days call for bright, summery colours! 

This was a very fast card, made with a bunch of paper scraps.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Insta-Friday #21

School's out for the summer!!

Woot, woot! We're all really excited around here. 

We have all kinds of fun plans, most of them to take place around here since we're not venturing away from home for very long this summer.

Today was supposed to kick off our 3rd annual park tour (simple idea, but really fun: visiting a different park every week, preferably one that we've never played at before), but it's pouring rain here so that plan will have to wait until the gloomy weather clears up. 

Instead, we'll do some reading, play some games, & maybe bake some cookies.


On to the look at our week via Instagram...

Last Friday consisted of a lot of shopping - groceries, plus a whole bunch of gifts for birthdays, teachers, & Father's Day.

Here's where I ended up for the Father's Day gifts...

I'd never been in by myself. I was a little overwhelmed, but I think I picked out some great gifts.

On Friday night we went out for supper with some good friends. The very fun, laughter-filled evening was topped off by peanut butter pie (which was amazing!).

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Boys Room Reveal!

The day is finally here! 

After giving myself the challenge of completing my son, Parker's, bedroom makeover by the end of May, bit by bit I got projects done & this past weekend we were able to put on the finishing touches. 

Let me show you around! Come on in!

This yellow-with-black-trim room was how it looked when we moved here 6 years ago. And wasn't my little guy cute when he was just 4? I just want to kiss those cheeks! (He's still cute, btw!)

When we moved here, we painted his room & replaced the flooring, but that's about it. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Pink Lemonade Cookies

Ahhh... Summer...


Swimming in the pool.


Lemonade stands.

Did you ever have a lemonade stand as a kid? 

I did. We weren't very successful as we lived on a q-u-i-e-t street in a small town. Plus, we probably drank all the lemonade. That can't help, right?

Maybe if we had made some of these cookies to sell along with our lemonade, we would have had more success! ☺

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Insta-Friday #18, #19, & #20 (The late edition!)

Welcome to Insta-Friday... the late edition! 

It's been a few weeks since I've done one of these posts, so I have alot of photos to share.

Let's dive in!

Spring has brought such amazing weather here & I've been going on lots of walks to take advantage of it.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Boy's Room Makeover (Part 3): The Window Valance

Part Three! 

I'm excited & thrilled with how my son's bedroom makeover is coming along!

Monday, June 03, 2013

Greek Style Grilled Pork Chop Meal

Barbecue season is here! Well, it's been here for awhile, but now that school is almost done, we are planning to have more time outside with friends.

And this is the perfect meal to prepare for nights like that!

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