Monday, March 11, 2013

Jam-Filled Cinnamon Doughnut Muffins

For some reason, this recipe reminds me of my Granny. She loved to bake & cook. I remember spending cozy Sundays at Granny & Grandpa's house which would always include having faspa, a light evening meal. It would include homemade buns, cold cuts, cheese, jam, pickles, & would always include homemade baking.

The homey flavours of these muffins brought back those memories. Memories of helping Granny set the table, going to her freezer to pick out some baking for the evening, & sitting beside Grandpa while we ate. 

Jam-Filled Cinnamon Doughnut Muffins adapted from Taste of Home
makes 10 muffins

1-3/4 cups flour
1-1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
3/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup oil (I use canola)
1 egg
3/4 cup buttermilk

Your favourite jam or jelly (I used my homemade pineapple rhubarb jam)

1/4 cup butter, melted
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350º. Spray muffin cups with non-stick spray. 

In a large bowl, combine the first 5 ingredients. Set aside. Combine sugar, oil, egg, & buttermilk; stir in dry ingredients just until moistened. 

Fill sprayed muffin cups about 1/4 full; place 1 tsp. jam on top. Cover jam with enough batter to fill muffin cups 3/4 full. 

Bake for 20-25 minutes or until muffins test done. 

Place melted butter in a small bowl; combine sugar & cinnamon in another bowl. 

Immediately after removing muffins from the oven, dip tops in butter, then in cinnamon-sugar. After a couple minutes, you can dip them in the sugar mixture again. Serve warm.

I hope you taste these delicious muffins & remember some homey memories of your own.


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  1. oh yum! I love filled donuts! Thanks for linking up to Tasteful Tuesdays! you are a faithful linker!
    love it! Really appreciate you stopping by my blog! I’m trying to keep
    in better touch with my linkers/readers… If you already follow me,
    please let me know I will find your blog on Bloglovin (I’m transferring
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    following via GFC or other method?

  2. These look so good! I am going to add them to the list of things to the farmers market. Cinnamon anything seems to sell great!

  3. Tonia@thegunnysackSaturday, March 30, 2013

    Yum! What a great idea!


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