Monday, October 21, 2013

Fall Decorating - A Belated Tour

Well, it's almost the end of October & we had a bit of snow this weekend.

That means that winter is just around the corner & with that comes the beginning of the Christmas season. Yay! I'm excited!

But wait! I haven't even shown you my fall decor for this year. 

I realize that many of my readers are in the U.S. & you have yet to celebrate Thanksgiving so you may still be interested in fall decorating. 

Come! Let me show you around...

I used my recent purchase of these apple boxes in my living room & the vintage vibe is just right for fall.

I kept my wreath decorated the same way as last year because I just like it that much.

These little woodland creatures followed me home from Target this fall. 
(See the little squirrel in the photo with the apple boxes above? And look at the owl in the photo below.)

The Thanksgiving holiday is over for us here in Canada, but I keep my Thankful banner up until I switch things out for Christmas.

Happy Fall Y'all! I love how versatile that chalkboard is!

On top of the bar top in between our living room/dining room & our kitchen is my pumpkin pie plate with some embellishing....

...Complete with an owl autumn garland.

Our warm & cozy living room has been a wonderful hang out this fall. 

If you'd like to see how I decorated for fall the past couple of years, click HERE & HERE.

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Enjoy Your Day!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Coconut Oatmeal Cookies - A Great Lunchbox Treat!

Do you have kids in school? How's your school year going? 

If you're like me, you're always looking for different things to spice up school lunches.

These chewy cookies are the perfect treat for the kids in your life, whether in a lunchbox or as an after-school snack.

I grew up eating these cookies. They were one of my mom's specialties. 
I can personally vouch for kid enjoyment factor.

Coconut Oatmeal Cookies  
makes about 3 doz.

2 cups flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup shortening
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup flaked coconut

Preheat oven to 375º. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper.

Sift together flour, granulated sugar, powder, soda, & salt. Add brown sugar, shortening, eggs, & vanilla; beat well. Stir in oats & coconut.

Drop by tablespoons onto cookie sheets. Bake for 12-14 minutes. Do not over bake. 

If you like cookies, check out these recipes from my recipe box:

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Monday, October 07, 2013

It's Craft Fair Season!

Happy Fall, Y'all!

Yesterday was our church's annual Fall Festival. An afternoon of carnival type food, entertainment (arm wrestling & our teen band), fun for the kids (face painting, photo booth, bouncy house, & a hay maze), & a mini craft fair!

This was my third year participating & I think it was my most successful yet!

Leading up to this year's festival, I'd been doing a lot of research on sprucing up my craft table display. I'm very happy with how it turned out & I think it looked much more inviting this year.

My main goal was to bring the displays off of the table a bit more. No more flat! I purchased some vintage apple boxes & used them to display things on and in. Dual function is always a good thing!

I strung up some twine in one of the boxes & used mini clothes pins to hang up some of my owl ornaments.

Here, you can see the yellow table cloth. It was actually a duvet cover that I thifted some time ago. I took out the side seams & ta-da! A perfectly cheery tablecloth.

I used one of my milk glass bowls to display place cards (They were a big hit!).

In the other apple box I displayed my hoop art & my tissue paper flowers.

On top of the boxes I displayed my gift card pillow boxes. I had the Christmas ones on the other side.

I also used some pretty vintage doilies / embroidered napkins on the tops of the apple boxes to add a homey touch.

Here you see it all together.

I added washi tape mini bunting to the front of the table along with a "Silver Boxes" banner.

I had someone tell me that it looked like a party... Shopping is fun after all, right? ;)

In the middle of the table, I used an old frame that I had lying around. (Literally. Under my guest bed.)
I bought some chicken wire at Home Depot & my husband kindly helped me out by stapling it into the frame. 

Then I used some clothes pins to pin up some of my handmade cards.

Some polka dot garlands are draped on either side of the frame.

Are you a crafter who has a table or booth at some local craft fairs? 

They're a lot of fun. I've already got another one lined up for November!

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