Monday, August 05, 2013

My Blogiversary & Lori Degenstien Design Giveaway!

Guess what?! My little blog turns two this week & to celebrate, I've lined up three amazing giveaways!

Lori creates beautiful jewelry & other items from her amazing photos. I first met her this spring at a craft fair & bought one of her pendant necklaces similar to the one below. I wear it all the time & so I'm super excited that's she's agreed to offer one reader these two gorgeous prizes!

"The Lilacs" Silver Plated Pendant Necklace

AND Set of 6 Nature Themed Notecards... 

So here we go! Let my first giveaway begin!

Contest opens August 5th & runs until Monday, August 12th at 11:59 p.m., central standard time.

**Giveaway open to residents of Canada & the continental U.S.**

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The winner will be chosen on August 13th & notified by email.

Come back on Wednesday & Friday to see the other two giveaways I have lined up for my blogging birthday!

Wednesdays giveaway: Naturally Pure Soap
Friday's giveaway: Silver Boxes handmade cards

Thanks for celebrating with me & good luck!


  1. Congrats on your 2 year Blogiversary! I checked out Lori's shop and I'm in LOVE with her rings! It's a toss up between the Twilight Trees, Farmer's Field and the Summer Skies rings....makes me miss the prairies!

  2. Great giveaway! Jasmine sent me!

  3. Congratulations, Steph.

  4. I like the Summer Skies!


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