Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Chevron Ribbon Card

When's the last time you had a birthday party for yourself? Why do we just reserve them for the kids only?
I'm thinking that adults have far too few birthday parties. Shouldn't we celebrate each other's lives & achievements as well? 
I say yes! 

If I was to throw myself a birthday party, I think I would have a chevron theme like this chevron ribbon card.

It's full of my favourite things... all my favourite colours, resin flowers, crochet flowers, & of course CHEVRON!

Products used:
  • Cardstock - Michael's
  • Chevron ribbon - American Crafts
  • Resin flowers - Michael's
  • Crochet flowers - Michael's
  • Happy birthday sticker - American Crafts
  • Corner punch - EK Success

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