Friday, September 16, 2011

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Pie

  Have you met anyone who DOESN'T like chocolate & peanut butter? I don't believe that person exists. It's one of my all time favourite combinations.

  I'm sure this fabulous dessert will have you swooning with delight. I made this for my husband's last birthday & I think I may have heard angelic music. ;)

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Pie

1 1/4 chocolate baking crumbs
1/4 cup butter, melted
1-8 oz. package cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
2/3 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup whipping cream
3 oz. dark or semi sweet chocolate, chopped

1 oz. dark or semi sweet chocolate, melted

Combine baking crumbs & butter. Press into bottom of 9" pie plate or spring form pan. Chill in freezer.

Beat cream cheese & peanut butter on medium speed of electric mixer for about 2 minutes or until light & fluffy. Add powdered sugar & vanilla; mix until well blended. Stir in chocolate chunks. Set aside.

Beat whipping cream with electric mixer until peaks form. Fold cream cheese mixture into whipped cream. Spoon into prepared crust. 

Drizzle melted chocolate in parallel lines over filling. Pull a blunt knife vertically through chocolate to create decorative effect. 

Chill 2-3 hours before serving.

   This weekend, I'm planning to clean up my garden. We got some frost this past week so a lot of my annuals have bit the dust. I've been faithfully covering my fall mums to protect them from the frost though. I'm not ready to see them go yet. What are you up to this weekend? Projects, crafts, cooking, what? Drop me a line & let me know. Whatever you have planned, have a wonderful weekend. 

Enjoy your day!

Linkin' Up to: One Artsy Mama & Tatertots & Jello

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  1. this looks so tasty!

  2. Oh I think I just gained 3 more pounds!  This is so pretty and look and sounds delish!  
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. LOL! Thanks for stopping by to say hello. :) 

  4. I just wanted to let you know, I am featuring your yummy recipe tomorrow on Mouth-Watering-Monday!  Be sure to come check it out and feel free to grab a "featured" button!


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