Monday, September 05, 2011

Happy Labour Day!

  Are any of you working on projects on this last day of the Labour Day Weekend? I was to have at least started my table painting project by now, but we had a family emergency involving my husband's grandpa on Friday evening & all day Saturday. He's okay now, but his health seems to be deteriorating. We were able to have a very nice visit with him during our time together & we cherish that.

  So, my to-do list today consists of cleaning the house & getting to that painting project. I promise I'll post the results as soon as it's complete.

 I was able to complete a scrapbook layout on Friday. My daughter had a Pretty Princess party for her birthday this year. For this layout, I used Echo Park's Little Girl collection almost exclusively. I added a few felt crowns & some jewels to finish things off.

  Have a wonderful Labour Day! I hope you all get to do/finish whatever is it that you have planned. Thanks for stopping by!

Enjoy your day!

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