Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The big reveal


  My little side table is complete! I can't believe it only took me an evening to complete the makeover on this little beauty. If I had known, I would have done it long ago.

  A reminder of the before:

Here's a rundown of the process:

I took it outside, gave it a light sanding, wiped off the dust, & taped off the black top & chrome trim - 
I kept those as is.

Got on my painting duds & broke out the spray paint.
My painting pants...
you can actually see all the past/present colours of my house on these babies!
They're like a work of art in themselves! :)
I used Krylon Metallic spray paint in Aluminum.
And all systems go! I sprayed on the first coat:

And a second coat:
After 2 coats. Before distressing.
It was looking a little too space age for me at this point so I got out some black craft paint I had kickin' around & played around with some dry brushing on the corners & edges. I ended up dry brushing on some black paint & then smudging it (purposefully) with a paper towel to make it look a bit more distressed.  

After distressing with black craft paint.

The finished product:

I think it will look especially stunning at Christmas time with my silver/white colour scheme. 
Here's some more after shots:

  Thanks for stopping by! Please feel free to leave a comment & tell me what you think.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Very cool! It almost looks like you silver-leafed it, but way less costly!

  2. Exactly! That's what I was going for. :)

  3. gorgeous! and your autumn decor looks fabulous on it!

  4. Love it! I think it will look gorgeous with some white xmas stuff on it :)

  5. Mary at Sweetwater StyleFriday, September 09, 2011

    This really turned out well.  A little paint and you have a real treasure!  Great job!

  6. I never would have thought about using a metal color spray paint on wood!  Love the distressing


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