Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DIY Doily Gift Bag

I'm back again today with another gift wrap idea. Seriously, this is turning into a series. :)

This is another way to pretty up a plain coloured gift bag.

Here's what you need:
  • Gift bag
  • Paper doilies
  • A stapler
  • Glue Dots, double sided tape, or hot glue
I followed this tutorial to make the large doily flower on the front of the bag. 

Then, I attached it to the bag with the Glue Dots.

To make the doily ruffle at the top of the bag, I followed these steps:

  1. Cut a paper doily in half & accordion fold it.
  2. Gather the bottom edges together to make a little fan.
  3. Squish the edges together & staple.
  4. Adhere to the inside of the gift bag in a row with glue dots, double sided tape, or a hot glue gun.
  5. Repeat on the other side.


Wouldn't you like to receive a gift in a bag like this? 

Who knows, maybe I'll give it to you! ;)

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  1. Steph this is FABULOUS!!! Great idea and it sure POPS on that red bag!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!


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