Monday, September 12, 2011

Vintage pretties

  I'm so excited! On Friday I had a brain wave... but let me start at the very beginning (a very good place to start. That's for all you Sound of Music fans.). The last time I went thrifting/antiquing one of my finds included an 8x10 black & white photograph. The man at the antique shop I got it at didn't know who the people in the photo were/are, but I wanted it anyway. The clothes, the hair, & the soft angelic look of all the girls drew me in. (I'm also curious to know why there's only one male in the photo?)

  I bought a simple black certificate frame at Wal-mart & discovered that it was too big for the photo. I set it aside to return & find a new frame. That's when the brain wave hit. I had some vintage sheet music I was itching to use in my home decor. So I got it out & mounted the photo on top of it. Then I slipped the music with photo into the frame & wa-la - almost instant vintage art. I'm lovin' it.

  I hung it near my back entry with my new mail / magnetic key holder from Umbra
I quite like the mix of modern & vintage.

  So that kicked off my weekend in a satisfying way. I had a wonderful weekend: flowers from a dear friend, a massage on Saturday morning, found some cute pumpkins at the farmer's market in the afternoon along with doing some window shopping at some thrift/antique shops. On Saturday evening I was able to get in some crafty time making some cards & a scrapbook layout. (I'll post those pics tomorrow.) Sunday was church with my wonderful church family & family time in the afternoon & evening. A blissful weekend all around.

Oh, and how could I forget?! I also joined Pinterest this weekend. What a cool site. I love the fact that now all the inspiration I come across on the internet can be corralled in one spot without a million bookmarks. 
Not to mention categorized! :)
(This girl loves all things organization.)

  What did you do this weekend? Did you find any treasures or start any projects? 

Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your day!

Linking up to Crafty, Scrappy, Happy


  1. Love your brain wave - it's so you! Love the flowers and the pumpkins, too! No projects started this weekend, but I did finish one - laundry! All 8 loads of it! ;)

  2. I love the use of the music sheets!!!  Fabulous!  Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love the look of this... Great job!

  4. awhhhh I ADORE this!  I am crazy about vintage music sheets what an amazing way to incorporate it into the framed photo!!!  :o)  I will for sure have to do something like this!  Thank you SO much for linking up over at Crafty Scrappy Happy!

  5. Well, laundry is a project - although not a super fun one. :) Thanks for the fun on Saturday. Let's do it again soon!

  6. Aww, you're welcome! I'm a huge fan of yours. I'm so flattered that you're a new follower. Thank you so much!


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