Tuesday, September 20, 2011

This Week's Papercrafts

  On Friday, I had the chance to go scrapbooking with my friends, Allison & MJ. I've been working on scrapping the photos from this year's summer holiday. We went camping in the mountains of Jasper National Park in Alberta. I got a few layouts finished. Here are a couple of my favourites:

  I'm also in the midst of working on my first international card order. 
My little card business is called Eiffel Cards by Stephanie. 
Here are this past week's creations:

Have you been working on anything crafty this week? I'd love to hear about it! 
Be sure to leave a comment & tell me about it.

Enjoy your day!


  1. I'm working on some halloween decorations!  I'm so finished with summer :)   Great layouts, the felt (?) trees and campfire are so adorable!

  2. Yes, the trees are felt. I just picked them up on clearance at Michaels. I thought the were the perfect finishing touch. Thanks for stopping in to say hello. :)


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