Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My First Guest Post!

  Today is an exciting day for me... I'm doing my first guest posting over at A Turtle's Life for Me! I'm super pumped. Natalie & I share a love for family, thrifting & doing furniture makeovers. I hope you'll come on over & say hello.

  Here's a hint... my post involves this guy:

Enjoy your day!


  1. I have come from your guest post. You have some cool projects and I especially love this one as I am a BIG fan of owls. I like to papercraft too!

  2. Hi!  I saw your guest post on Natalie's blog.  Great thrift finds and very clever way to make that owl look fantastic!

    Kelli @ (yesterday's guest post on her blog)

  3. Thanks, Mel! Thanks for coming to say hello!

  4. Thanks, Kelli! I really enjoyed seeing your clock's transformation yesterday. I'll have to have a look at your blog. :) Thanks for stopping by!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. Your comments make my day!!