Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vintage finds

I quite enjoy vintage-y type things. Not just anything vintage, but something that fits my style or that I can see some potential in. I haven't been thrifting / antiquing / flea marketing / garage saling / buying on Kijiji for a while but today I have resolved to do it again soon.

The last time I went out, I found a couple of little treasures. This one is perfect as is.  It's just a little fellow. I think I paid .50 cents for it. Don't you just love the swirl effect?

It now sits on my front entrance table. It's perfect for catching a few coins from someone's pocket. It would also be pretty on a lady's dresser to catch rings.

The other thing I found that same day was an adorable owl. I'm crazy for all things owl these days. They are (usually) just so cute! So I found this guy in the thrift store & could see the potential for something great. 


My mom (an interior decorator) had got me thinking about taking things that have been painted in a busy, fussy way in the past & spray painting them in a solid colour. So, guess who my first victim was? You guessed it... this wonderful fellow. Check out the transformation with just a few coats of white spray paint. 


I have him sitting on some books in my bookcase. He is sitting on a book, after all, so it seemed fitting. 

I find inspiration for vintage finds in a couple of magazines from Better Homes & Gardens. They put out some great special issues several times a year. One title is 100 ideas: Makeover Style. Another is Do It Yourself.

Do you like to buy second hand? What are some of your favourite finds?


  1. Still love that owl. It's awesome.

  2. amanda @ MommyiscoocooTuesday, April 10, 2012

    Love it!  :)

  3. I replied to your email and it was returned as failure???  Email me when you have a moment.  hope you have a great day.

  4. This turned out so cute! Owls are the best.


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