Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Summer produce

Well, it's that time of year again. The time when my garden starts producing yummy fruits & veggies. I've been chopping rhubarb & getting ready to make my annual batch of rhubarb jam. This year's batch will be HUGE! I'm pretty sure I'll need some more jars... I'll post the recipe & photos once the deed is done. :)

I'm starting to get apples from our apple trees so I'll have to figure out something to do with those. Maybe I'll try my hand at apple juice as a couple of people have suggested. I've also harvested a large quantity of raspberries from my next door neighbour's raspberry batch (with permission of course). I've made a chocolate raspberry torte & a raspberry crisp already with plenty of additional raspberries tucked away in the freezer for future use.

Chocolate Raspberry Torte. Not picture perfect, but it sure tasted yummy!

Last night & tonight I've been able to include veggies from our garden in our supper menu. The lettuce, cherry tomatoes, & peppers are all doing well. I'm quite enjoying my little "salad garden" as I like to call it. Of course, I'd enjoy it more if it was weed free, but that's another story.

Maybe I'll have to try making Fried Green Tomatoes... have you ever made them? I found a good recipe (well, it looked good anyway) last year, but never got up the courage to try making them. 

What's growing in your garden this year? Any tips or ideas to share?


  1. All sounds yummy to me! You should try making a rhubarb custard pie...oh, so yummy! My MIL gave me a great recipe and if I can find it, I'll message it to you! Apple sauce would be good too, could freeze it and use it in baking dishes...oh, and my favorite, apple crisp! I have tried fried green tomatoes, not too bad if you get them nice and crispy...also one of my favorite movies of all time!!

  2. I'd love the recipe, Jasmine! And yes, I had forgotten about apple sauce - so easy (especially done in the crockpot) & what a great idea to freeze it! I'll have to work up the courage to make some fried green tomatoes. They sound so... Southern!! :)

  3. An idea for your green tomatoes. The frost came early one year and Mom had a lot of green tomatoes that were picked too early to ripen. She found a recipe that used the green tomatoes to make mock strawberry jam. It was really good and fooled a lot of people!


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