Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thrifty Thursday {More Vintage Finds}

  As of late, I have not been thifting regularly - just every once in a while. But after my last trip thrifting, I discovered that the western style shirt I had bought for my daughter's cowgirl costume for halloween was HUGE on her. There was nothing for it - I had to take it back. Most thrift stores only do exchanges (fine by me), so off I went to find a western shirt that would actually fit her. I found one that's perfect & figured while I was there, it would be efficient of me to check out the housewares section. *wink, wink*

  I walked out, not only with the properly sized western shirt, but also with two new treasures.

I have been looking for a medium sized globe for awhile now - and one that's reasonably priced as well. This vintage metal one is just perfect! I also really like the world landmarks on the colourful base. My husband was trying to figure out the age of the globe just by looking at some of the countries that no longer exist. We couldn't nail it down, but it's in the vintage range for sure. Anyone know any tips as to how to date a globe? I might have to google that one.

After purchasing the two turquoise vintage Pyrex bowls in the background last February, I've also been watching for some matching or co-ordinating ones. I found this white one with the turquoise motifs that fits in just right with the larger ones I already had.


Have you been thrifting lately? What have you scored?

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  1. Dating a globe? Well, most globes will have a date on it (near the globe maker logo). Other than that, it's just looking for countries (czecholslovakia is pre-90's, both east and west Germany is pre-80's, USSR v Russia, etc).
    Good luck!

  2. the cape on the cornerThursday, September 20, 2012

    i looove that globe! i haven't seen one with the landmarks at the bottom, so great find!

  3. The turquoise pyrex is so great!

  4. Hey those bowls...great finds...xo

  5. Hi Stephanie,

    Funny thing....I found a globe just like that at the thrift store not long ago. The only difference is mine has zodiac signs at the bottom. I thought that was strange. I wish I knew how to date mine too.


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