Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Dish Soap Challenge. Week One: The Bathtub

  A couple of weeks ago, I heard about a blog called Squawkfox. Kerry has many tips on saving money & living frugally. One of the things that caught my attention was a list she has of many things you can do that can save you $1,000 per year. One of those things was to stop buying household cleaners. She says she uses a $1 bottle of dish soap to clean everything in her house. This had me seriously intrigued.

~ The Dish Soap Challenge ~

  So, after hearing that, I'm issuing myself a challenge to start doing my cleaning with dish soap wherever I can. Every week for the next while I'll clean something new with dish soap & see how the results stack up to the results using a more expensive, specialty cleaner. I'll use my home as the guinea pig & let you in on the results.

This week's dish soap challenge: My dirty bathtub.

Yes, you can see the dirty ring, right?

I started with the bottle of soap, above, & a scrubby sponge that is safe for porcelain tubs & sinks.

The dirty tub

So, after using a bit too much dish soap, here is our tub after being cleaned with dish soap:


Overall, I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. 
I started out by using too much soap, so there were a lot of bubbles. 

  Verdict: I plan to keep cleaning my tub this way. Dish soap got the tub just as clean as the bathroom cleaner I had been using. I also learned that a little dish soap goes a long way. :)

I hope this little series inspires you to save some money & try doing this too. 

Enjoy your day!

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  1. Steph...found this post to be so useful!  Love your blog~awarding you with the Liebster Blog Award.  You can check out your feature at!

  2. 2yellowbirdsdecorFriday, May 25, 2012

    Wow! I had no idea that you could clean things with dish soap!! I look forward to seeing all the things you can clean with it!! Thanks for the tip! Thank for sharing this with us at Thursday's Temptation.

  3. Holy wow!  So maybe I can ditch the comet!!!!  Heading over to follow you on Pinterest.  Take care, looking forward to Number 3.

  4. I've used Palmolive for years for cleaning....but, use it for laundry stains.  Takes out grease great.  I just squirt some soap on the stain, wait a couple of hours (or loads) and then toss the item in the washer.  The only stain I've yet to get out with Palmolive is blood, but hydrogen peroxide removes blood like magic!

  5. Featured yOu this week! Yeah you! Come by for your button!
    Stacey Of Embracing Change

  6. Wow, I never realized that you can use dish soap to clean everything. I am guilty of having a separate cleaner for everything. Thanks for sharing the results! Thanks for sharing at Showcase Your Talent Thursday!

  7. What a fun challenge!!  One of my favorite new cleaners for the tub is dish soap and vinegar it does great with the soap scum.  

  8. Oh wow! I'm going to have to try this! Our shower is waaayyyy past needing cleaning ;) 
    I also seen a recipe on Pinterest that combined water, vinegar, and Dawn that worked miracles too.

    Visiting from The 36th Avenue


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