Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Note Card Set & Cupcake Layout

  At last! Another papercrafts post. It seems like it's been awhile. :) As I said yesterday, I was able to get some time in at my craft table this past weekend. Here are the fruits of my labours:

  On Friday, Paper Crafts on Facebook shared a picture of a fan who had posted this idea. I saw it & got stoked to give it a shot. These cards were made entirely of scraps. Wouldn't the set make a great gift?

  The key to making this work was the black patterned paper being used in all of the cards. It ties them together as a set.

  I'm still lovin' Echo Park's Little Girl line. I've used almost my whole collection pack up... that's pretty rare for me.  Maybe I'll make some girly cards like the ones above with the scraps I have left over... now there's an idea!

Here's the latest & greatest layout I've made with this adorable line:

Have you been up to anything crafty lately? I'd love to hear about it!

Enjoy your day!


  1. Super cute!! Those turned out fantastic!!

  2. Love the cards. What a great idea.

  3. Cute card ideas! Love your cupcake page!

  4. LOVE this!!  I'm adding you to my blogs to follow. :)

  5. Thanks! I'm pretty sure this is Jasmine, not Jonathan. :) But if not - Thanks, Jon!

  6. Thanks, Ang! How are the ones at the store doing?

  7. Thanks, Michelle! And thanks for stopping by to say hello!

  8. Thanks, Amber! That means alot to me. :)

  9. Love it! I've tried to do a set like that before and it's never quite looked like a set. Great tip pn using some of the same paper in each!

  10. Ohhh you are so talented!  I love to see card inspiration!  I used to make SO many cards and then i kind of got away from it but this really inspires me to want to get back to it!  I also love the scrapbook page it is so so cute!  Thank you so much for linking up!  I am for sure a new follower!
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

  11. Thanks, Jaime! I really enjoy papercrafting. I try to post a little bit every week. Thanks for coming & saying hello & for being a follower!

  12. Those are so cute! Thanks for the inspiration! 

  13. Love that card design too, love that it uses scraps.  I'm always looking for more ways to use those up.  Cute cupcake layout too, I swear I have that paper too..Echo Park...have that line and the little boy one.  This is reminding me to go dig it up.


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