Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bulletin Board Makeover

  I'm not alone am I? Every family seemingly has a ton of loose papers floating around or sitting in piles, boxes, & binders. I personally like to have some of those papers out in the open for reminders or to appreciate (such as my children's artwork), but I don't like to have my fridge cluttered up with a bunch of stuff. This was my solution. A bulletin board. Simple, right? The trick for me was to have a nice looking one & not spend a lot of money. I was so blessed with this project that I didn't end up spending a penny! The supplies was either: 1) given to me, or 2) I already had it on hand. That's what I call economical!

  Several months ago, I helped my mom go through & organize some rooms in my parent's basement. We made piles of things to keep, give, & toss. At the end of the day, I ended up taking part of the "give" pile home with me! The bulletin board, frame, silver paint, & glaze were all items that I "inherited" (wink, wink) from my mom. I took the frame with another project in mind for it altogether. It took me a few months to figure out that the bulletin board was a perfect fit for it! It was easy glued into place using white craft glue (I had on hand) after I had painted the frame with purple craft paint (I had on hand).

It hung painted like this for months. Last weekend, when we painted our hallway & back entry, I had taken it down & had another look at it. I thought it looked kind of flat & boring (the paint was flat, after all). I looked in my box o' craft paints from my mom's basement & found a creamy glaze & a silver paint.

Enter brain wave. "What about a shimmery white glaze?" Sounded lovely to me. What did I have to loose? I had no money invested in it after all. "Let's play around", I thought.

So, I concocted a mixture of 3 parts creamy white glaze & 1 part silver paint.

On it went. And then off it came. On purpose. I painted it on making sure to get it in the corners & nooks & crannies. Then I took a rag & wiped off the excess. Here's what I was left with:

 When it was dry, I edited what I had pinned on it earlier & put up the papers, postcards, etc. that I wanted to remember/display. I really like how the shimmery white adds some detail to what was otherwise kind of a boring bulletin board.

What kind of projects have you been up to lately? I did some thrift shopping yesterday & found the ingredients for several more projects. I'm excited to get started! A lamp makeover, some sweater pillows, some wall art as well as some other goodies. You won't want to miss it!

Enjoy your day!

Linkin' up to: 


  1. Found you through the Tatertots & Jello link party...thanks for sharing this cute project!

  2. I really really like the idea of a shimmery white glaze!  I am going to have to remember this!  I really really like the end product!  This would be a good one for the holidays to add a nice touch to the often over powering reds and greens....hummmm you have me thinking!!!!  Thank you SO much for linking up and for inspiring me---I feel so lucky!
    Jaime from crafty scrappy happy

  3. Thanks for stopping by to say hello! I love new friends.

  4. Aww, you're so kind Jaime! Yes, it would be great for the holidays too. Hmm, now you have ME thinking... :)


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